As with any rental agreement, the lessor is advised to take into account the financial capacity and “balance sheet” of the tenant and to determine whether a surety or any other form of financial guarantee should be sought in order to protect the lessor from the consequences of a tenant`s loss. Because of this growing demand – homeowners see the interest of developers who are willing to pay to rent the place. If you have a roof that you are interested in leasing, please download our solar roof rental app and send us a note and add us a section on this site that contains information about available roofs. Note: Roof rental rates are directly related to THE FIT rates in force in Europe. When FIT prices fall… The amount a developer is willing to pay to rent the roof also decreases about the same amount. If you are a commercial property owner in Perth, you can earn extra income by renting your roofs. Essentially, a solar site lease is exactly what it sounds; an agreement to rent your property for a solar installation. In a rental agreement, you turn an unused room – your roof, open land, parking lot, etc. – into a source of income. The best? The owner of the website has no obligation to equipment or maintenance or cost.

In our experience in Germany, the optimal size installation is 250 kWh or more. These large photovoltaic installations usually require large amounts of roofing – with the exact amount depending on the type of solar panels used (i.e. solar panels with a higher kWp require less space. The tenant would like to have the right to register a notice regarding his lease regarding the landlord`s property. This is important for the tenant to provide financing and to protect his investment in the event of a sale/mortgage/any other sale of the lessor`s shares in the building. In addition, the landlord will require the tenant to agree to attorn to his mortgage and any buyer of the property. In addition to the normal termination for damages and destruction settlements found in a typical lease, if something happens at a time (such as the construction of a nearby building) that affects the availability of sunlight or otherwise prevents the tenant from operating his facility, the rental agreement must meet the tenant`s rights on terminating the lease in such circumstances. As with an AEA, site rentals are most often financed by a third-party investor; a person or business that will be built and own for solar installation on land.

Most of the time, the investor is an experienced solar developer. As part of this construction, the owner of the solar installation and the owner of the land enter into a lease agreement in which the owner of the painting agrees to pay the landowner a pre-negotiated rental amount each year in exchange for the owner of the land that houses the solar installation. These agreements typically take a duration of 20 years or more – well within the expected lifespan of most solar panels. Before participating in a roof rental contract for a solar photovoltaic installation, write down the following four facts: We own and operate the solar installations and we cover all costs related to construction, operation and maintenance. 15 – 25 years is the standard term of a solar rental contract. The long-term nature of this obligation should be carefully considered when assessing whether it makes sense to rent your roof for a solar installation. YSG has a model roof rental contract that we share with others. Feel free to contact us for more information and we will be happy to provide you with the model roof rental contract that you can check out. Renewal fees are potentially significant, as the lifespan of photovoltaic installations (“PV”) can be well over 20 years. Below are some of the typical clauses you see in a solar roof rental agreement – and the problems you might want to take into account.