In different categories of commercial waste, maximum values per day are also applicable. pH control systems are designed to keep the pH of commercial waste between 6 and 10, which is in line with Queensland`s urban utility requirements. Cleanawater pH systems optimize chemical use to prevent waste. They can be provided with a basic acidity or chemical dose, or both to control high and low pH fluctuations. For more information, check out our list of typical categories of commercial waste. Before your business enters waste into our sewers, the owner of the property in which the wastewater is produced must have a commercial waste permit. Holders of commercial waste under the jurisdiction of Queensland Urban Utilities are assigned to categories based on their business activities as well as on the nature and volume of waste produced. Each category has specific requirements for respecting the simplest form than household garbage. The table below shows the main differences between the categories: With the emphasis on compliance in the Queensland Urban Utilities, the task is entrusted to commercial waste producers to ensure that their equipment is maintained continuously and operates according to design. Cleanawater provides maintenance and maintenance for all of our aircraft to keep you in compliance at all times. Queensland Urban Utilities is known for a senseless approach to wastewater compliance, so it is important to understand the commercial waste clearance procedure for the Queensland Urban Utilities area. Cleanawater has the technical know-how and product range to help you respect your commercial waste with Queensland Urban Utilities.

Commercial waste includes all liquid waste that is not private wastewater for domestic use, produced from commercial, commercial or production sites. Commercial waste may include, for example, grease, oil, solids, heavy metals or chemicals. Queensland Urban Utilities requires commercial waste authorization. Applications must be accompanied by detailed drawings and descriptions of the procedure. Queensland Urban Utilities has a list of approved suppliers for the provision of pre-treatment facilities to ensure that commercial waste is within their acceptance criteria. To recover the costs of managing the additional costs imposed on the sanitation system, fees on commercial waste are due. Cleanawater provides interconnection, vertical gravitation and hydrocyclical separators. Each has its own pros and cons – Cleanawater advises you on the best solution for your application. Oil water separators help keep your commercial waste under the fat and oil ceiling. Queensland Urban Utilities was established in 2010 to serve Brisbane, Ipswich, Lockyer Valley, Scenic Rim and Somerset councils and provide drinking water, recycled water and liquid waste management. Its area of responsibility covers more than 14,000 square kilometres and has a customer base of 1.4 million people, both residential and commercial. Your staff is more than 1,000 people.

Commercial wastewater acceptance standards accepted by the Queensland Urban Utilities are published online. This will allow new customers to prepare for the commercial waste application process and develop the systems they need to keep their commercial waste in the specifications. Commercial waste acceptance standards are designed to protect wastewater workers from adverse health effects, as well as wastewater treatment facilities and equipment from damage. Excursions into the quality of commercial waste can have a direct impact on the environment, resulting in cleaning costs, fines and negative advertisements. Commercial waste is water-related waste (other than waste that is prohibited waste, human waste or rainwater): the authorization of commercial waste is classified on the property according to the type of main activity of commercial waste. These categories associate types of opera