ETFO`s collective agreements include a health-cessation plan for teachers, long-term teachers (LTOs), early childhood educators and other ETFO workers. This plan provides for both sick days and short-term disability days. Many collective agreements set out the conditions under which medical documents can be requested. Your board of directors may also request documents if it has a reasonable basis for questioning the nature of your absence or return. Your local collective agreement also determines whether the board of directors will pay for these documents. The 2% adjustment of the wage network for all ETT members, guaranteed by the ETFO agreement (MOU), came into force on 1 September 2014. First, members returning from illness or injury in the previous school year after the start of a new school year would be entitled to full sick leave upon return for a new illness or injury, but would have to work 11 days in their full full-time equivalent position to obtain sick leave for a recurrence of the same illness or injury that prevented them from starting the school year. There is a central collective agreement that contains the Settlement Protocol (MoS), the Memorandum of Understanding (MoA) and the articles. The Central Collective Agreement (Part A) was negotiated by our provincial representatives, OPSBA and the Department of Education.

Please note that the increase in the salary network for years of service and/or qualifications is governed by the contract that is imposed on members by bulletin 115 and which affects our salary after the 97th day of the school year. This may change depending on the negotiations between ETFO and the government at the central table. Teachers` salaries are separate; the current grid is September 2017. The competency allowance has also been increased. The new allowance is mentioned below of the September 2017 liability allowance. If you have a two-year school illness or recurrent injury or expect a gradual return to work due to illness or injury, contact your Office and Industrial Relations Staff at the Provincial Office immediately to assist.