6. December 2020 Core Enterprise Technology Agreements Through Core Technologies, Inc.: CTI is a small minority company owned by women, which primarily offers a variety of communications services and solutions. Since its inception in 1998, CTI has become a fully service telecommunications solution and IT integrator with core expertise in the following sectors: audio/visual communication, wire and cable infrastructure, telecommunications, carrier services and asset recovery services. CTI strives to simplify the dynamics of network infrastructure by minimizing the complexities, obstacles and associated risks, while remaining flexible in delivering innovative solutions to our customers. Our goal is simple: tighter control while reducing costs, increasing productivity and increasing profit targets. Category management is an effective business practice aimed at reducing duplication in contracting, improving the use of government purchasing power, and promoting the use of first-rate government solutions. Historically, the vast majority of the common agency`s needs – such as information technology, professional services, medical care, human capital, security, security, transportation and logistics – have been acquired in a disintegated manner, leading to an under-optimization of the government`s purchasing power and a decline in the federal government`s market profile. Category management allows agencies to move from purchasing and price management to thousands of purchasing units and manage entire categories of common expenses with collaborative decision-making. As a result, the institutionalization of category management, as the primary way to acquire and manage annual expenditures of approximately $270 billion in public goods and services by all corporate agencies, will help taxpayers make better use of their acquisition investments in their day-to-day needs and, equally importantly, will allow contract offices to pay more attention to critical acquisitions. The Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) was created to implement and manage COTS IT agreements, assets and policies across the Department of Defense and the intelligence community to streamline procurement practices. Since its inception, it has modified the game for DOD computer purchases, making it easier than ever to acquire IT solutions while significantly reducing costs. The EIS or Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions contract was designed to create a modernized communications network for agencies based on constantly updated technology. The new 15-year, $50 billion contract will establish a modernized communications network between governments that could last a generation and improve services to citizens. One of GSA`s priorities is to ensure that the transition to the IRS is smooth. It is a vast and discouraging process, comprising 53 agency clients, more than 8,000 sub-agency and about 16,000 customer accounts. The government spends about $1.8 billion a year on telecommunications services and 8 million positions are to be transferred from old contracts to eIS. NomikAdmin 6. December 2020 Previous Post Next Post