Response categories in Likert scales are categorized, but intervals between values cannot be considered identical. The studies of Labovitz[23] and Traylor[24] show that Likert-Artige elements, even in the case of fairly significant distortions of perceived distance between scales, work closely with scales perceived as identical intervals. Therefore, these and other scales that appear identical in the questionnaires are robust against offences at the same distance that many researchers consider necessary for parametric statistical methods and tests. The five categories of responses are often considered an interval measure. However, this can only be the case if the intervals between the scale points correspond to empirical observations in the metric sense. Reips and sparks (2008) [21] show that this criterion is much better met by a visual analog scale. Indeed, there may also be phenomena that call into question even the ordinal scale in the Likert scales. [22] For example, in a series of elements A, B, C, evaluated by a Likert scale, circular relationships such as A > B, B > C and C may appear > A. This is contrary to the axiom of the transitivity of the ordinal scale. In short, a Likert scale is the result of the survey. The series of instructions and types of responses is a method of scale or measurement of parameters. A Likert scale is a question that contains 5 or 7 answer options. The selection ranges from Stark`s approval to the harsh anti-disagreement, so that the creator of the survey can have an overall overview of people`s opinions and their agreement.

All questions in Likert Skala`s survey also include a centre for those who are neutral in the matter. Unipolar scales are more bypassed, so users can instead focus on the absence or presence of an element. The scale measures ordinal data, but most unipolar scales generate more accurate responses. An example of a unipolar satisfaction scale is: not at all satisfied, easily satisfied, moderately satisfied, very satisfied and quite satisfied. Consensus-based assessment (CBA) can be used to establish an objective standard for Likert scales in areas where there is no generally accepted or objective standard. Consensus-based assessment (CBA) can be used to refine or even validate generally accepted standards. [Citation required] Questions on the Likert scale are used in many types of surveys, whether you want to know what your employees think of their work or what your customers think of your latest product. Likert scales are ideal for immersing yourself deeply in a particular subject, to understand (in detail) what people think about it.