Other common provisions are as follows: there will certainly be an obligation of preference for a driving licence and only drivers registered in the contract will be allowed to drive. It may include an option to purchase car insurance (UK: car insurance) if the renter does not already have a policy to cover rents – another important consideration for many drivers. Some agencies may even ask for a deposit that can be paid if the car is not returned in order, often in the form of a credit card authorization – invalid if the car is returned in accordance with the agreement. A tenant should be told that he or she is responsible for violations of the toll, parking or vehicle traffic during the rental period. There should also be advice on how to deal with thefts, accidents, burglaries and towing. Some types of leases may contain specific clauses imposed by law, depending on the property to be rented and/or the jurisdiction in which the contract was signed or the domicile of the parties. As a homeowner, you are often expected to know everything, whether you manage real estate and rentals full-time or rent a single property as a supplement to income. Anyway, for many, there is often a point of confusion: what is the difference between a lease and a lease? Leases are legal and binding contracts that set the terms of leases in real estate and real estate and personal property….